
AGCI makes publicly accessible thousands of video presentations, research publications, and other resources from our workshops and projects. Use the search and filter options below to explore the resource library.

Understanding Decision Support for a Changing Climate

Climate change is already affecting every region of the United States, and additional impacts are expected to intensify. These changes motivate bold new decisions and…


Working with the Water Utility Climate Alliance

Leading Practices in Climate Adaptation

As the climate changes in both new and anticipated ways, the best course of action…


Sublimation of Snow (SOS) Project

Snow sublimation, the process through which snow turns directly from a solid to a gas (water vapor) without first melting, may remove up to 90% of snowpack from the ground, but the process is not well understood. The goal of the SOS project is to improve and communicate fundamental scientific understanding of when, where, and how much snow is lost the atmosphere through sublimation.

Colorado River Science Wiki

The Colorado River Science Wiki is a web-based clearinghouse for scientific and technical information and data relevant to the Colorado River and management of its water and other natural resources.

Assessment of Nature-Based Coastal Solutions

Photo: Jessica Reilly-Moman

Managing climate-related risks to critical ecosystem services and trillions of dollars in coastal infrastructure and properties is a massive challenge facing all…


A Collaborative, In Situ, Mountain Hydrology NASA Test Bed

Beginning as snowmelt from Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, the Colorado River—often called the Lifeline of the West—supplies water to over 40 million people in seven US…


Science for Climate Action Network (SCAN)

The Science for Climate Action Network (SCAN) is a national network of leading scientists and practitioners…

Man woking high in the air inside wind tubine moto, with other wind turbines in the background

Crux Alliance

A philanthropic fund and project housed at AGCI, the Crux Alliance supports the rapid implementation of ambitious climate policies in the 20 highest-emitting countries and in the sectors critical to long-term climate stability.

Mountain West Climate Services Partnership

Climate change is driving common threats across the Mountain West, the large and diverse expanse between the Sierras and the Rockies. Embedded within all or…
