Professor Benjamin Kirtman received his BS in Applied Mathematics from the University of California-San Diego in 1987, and his MS and PhD in 1992 from…
David John Karoly (born 1955) is an Australian scientist and academic. Currently he is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working…
DAVID H. WEGMAN is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and Adjunct Professor at the Harvard School…
Raymond S. Bradley did his graduate work at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interests are in climatology…
Rob DeConto is a Professor of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. He maintains adjunct research positions at Columbia University and Victoria University of Wellington.…
George Hurtt earned a B.A. in Biology from Middlebury College in 1990. His advanced degrees are in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. In 1992 he received…
Julio Friedmann is director of the Carbon Storage Initiative at Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory. He received his B.S and M.S. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology…
Vaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor at the University of Manitoba and the author of many books, including Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of…
"Professor of Environmental Psychology and Risk Perception and Management at the University of Lisbon. His research has been extended for many areas having as background…
I am a climate scientist by recent experience, looking to integrate the effects of climate change into energy supply and energy demand behaviors in integrated…
Jorge Soberon obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the National University of Mexico. He obtained his Ph.D. from Imperial College, University of London, in 1982.…
Dr. Jain's research interests include global carbon cycle and its relation to global climate change, with special emphasis on ocean general circulations, terrestrial ecosystems, and…
Vaishali is an atmospheric scientist whose research is focused on the linkages between air pollution and climate change. She is an Associate Research Scholar at…
Greg McFarquhar received his B.Sc. in mathematics and physics from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1987. Afterwards, he decided to change his field of…
Jurgen Scheffran is a Senior Research Scientist in the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security (ACDIS) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,…
David Budescu is a Professor of Psychology in the Quantitative Psychology program of the Psychology Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research…
Professor Schlesinger received his Ph.D. in 1976 from the University of California, Los Angeles. He directs the Climate Research Group (CRG) within the department of…
Donald J. Wuebbles is the Harry E. Preble Endowed Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois. Dr. Wuebbles was the first Director of…
David R. Criswell, Ph.D is currently the Director of the Institute for Space Systems Operations at the University of Houston. ISSO is the operational agent…
Dr. Roberts, professor emeritus at USU and long-time guest scientist at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, is a retired lieutenant colonel from the Army Medical…
Dr. Diaz was a research meteorologist with the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) focusing on studies of climate variability, climate change and climate…
Dr. Axel Timmermann is an associate professor of oceanography at the University of Hawaii and the co-leader of the research group "Impacts of Global Environmental…