Public Lectures

Each year, AGCI hosts several public talks featuring leading global change researchers and practitioners. Presented by participants in AGCI’s signature workshop series, these lectures cover the gamut of global change topics from biodiversity threats to urban heat resilience to the history and future of Earth’s climate trajectory. AGCI’s public lecture series honors Walter Orr Roberts (1915-1990), noted humanitarian, scientist, and founder of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

August 12, 1993

Nay Htun

Aspen CO
August 5, 1993

Peter Thacher

Aspen CO
July 29, 1993

Richard Rockwell

Aspen CO
July 22, 1993

Barbara Boyle Torrey

Aspen CO
August 27, 1992

Peter Vitousek

Aspen CO
August 20, 1992

Walter Falcon

Aspen CO
August 13, 1992

Richard C.J. Somerville

Aspen CO
August 6, 1992

Warren Washington

Aspen CO