Jon Coaffee

University of Warwick
Jon Coaffee Image

"Jon Coaffee is Professor of Urban Geography based in the Department of Politics and international Studies at the University of Warwick. His research focuses upon the interplay of physical and socio-political aspects of urban resilience and he has also published widely, especially on the impact of terrorism and other security concerns on the functioning of urban areas. During this research he has worked closely with a range of private and governmental stakeholders to ensure his research has real world impact. This work has been published in multiple disciplinary areas such as political science, geography, town planning, sociology and civil engineering. Most notably he published Terrorism Risk and the City (2003), The Everyday Resilience of the City (2008), Terrorism Risk and the Global City: Towards Urban Resilience (2009) and Sustaining and Securing the Olympic City (2011). His work has been supported by a significant number of EU and UK Research Council grants. Jon is an Exchange Professor at New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) .