Peter Michael Cox
Professor of Climate System Dynamics
Peter Cox is Professor of Climate System Dynamics and leader of the Climate Change and Sustainable Futures theme at the University of Exeter. His personal research has focused on interactions between the land-surface and climate, including the first climate projections to include vegetation and the carbon cycle as interactive elements. These simulations demonstrated the potential for the land carbon cycle to provide a significant acceleration of global warming through loss of soil carbon, and also suggested that the Amazon rainforest could dieback under climate change. Prof Cox has been a lead-author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th and 5th Assessment Report. He is also a member of the Science Advisory Group for the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, and was a member of the UK Royal Society expert groups on Ground-level ozone in the 21st century and Geoengineering the climate. Prof Cox has been amongst the most highly-cited authors in climate change research during the last decade.