Douglas Hill

Regional Plan Association
Consulting Systems Engineer

Douglas Hill is a systems engineer, presently a consultant to the Regional Plan Association on climate change issues and to the Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme of the International Energy Agency. He edited The Baked Apple? Metropolitan New York in the Greenhouse, the proceedings of a 1994 conference on the local consequences of climate change. He served as a reviewer of the Working Group III Second Assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. As a consultant to Brookhaven National Laboratory, he helped develop the MARKAL model of the New York State energy system for projecting energy supply and demand technologies, especially the control of carbon dioxide emissions. Dr. Hill holds degrees of Eng.Sc.D. and M.S. from Columbia University, and B.Aero.Eng. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a licensed professional engineer. He was co-author of the 1990 Long Island Energy Plan prepared for the Long Island Regional Planning Board, and of articles published in the journals Energy, Energy Policy, and Science.