Felix Creutzig
2019-2021 Coordinating Lead Author in the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (Chapter 5 on Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation, WGIII) — 2019 "IPPI fellow" — 2012/13 Visiting Fellow at the "Princeton Institute for International and Regionals Studies". — 2011-2014 Lead Author of the IPCC AR5 and the Global Energy Assessment on Transport, Cities and Bioenergy. — 2009-2014 Teaching Climate change, land use and infrastructures at TU Berlin. — 2008-2009 Postdoc at the Berkeley Institute of the Environment with Daniel Kammen. — 2008 Visiting Fellow at the Energy Foundation China in Beijing. — 2007 Ph.D. on information-theoretic aspects of invariance recognition in neural systems at HU Berlin. — 2003 Master of Advanced Studies at University of Cambridge (Part III in Advanced Mathematics) 2002 Undergrad degrees in Physics and Medicine at Albert-Ludwigs Universtität Freiburg. — Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 1999-2008 — Studienkolleg zu Berlin 2003-2004 --- Erdos number: 4.