Owen Doherty
Principal Research Scientist
Dr. Doherty focuses on making climate data more accessible and actionable for energy sector stakeholders. Dr. Doherty is the P.I. on a project developing an advanced analytics platform which will guide users to appropriate sources of climate projections based on their location and topic of choice. Currently Dr. Doherty serves as the Science Lead for Cal-Adapt, a web-based application that creates visualizations of climate risk to California’s electricity sector. Dr. Doherty is leading three projects for California’s Energy Commission on the intersection of climate-data and energy, and is a participant in three additional Commission sponsored efforts.
Dr. Doherty received his bachelor of science degree from Cornell University in 2003 and his doctorate in marine and atmospheric sciences from Stony Brook University in 2012. After a post-doc on climate variability at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dr. Doherty founded Eagle Rock Analytics in 2014. He is currently serving as Eagle Rock Analytics Principal Research Scientist. Dr. Doherty is an experienced project manager with scientific expertise in global climate and is comfortable analyzing a wide range of data, from biochemical data to climate models to remote sensing data.