Sioux Melo

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Ph.D. Student
Sioux Melo Image

Sioux Melo is a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at the TU Delft. She got her master's degree in economics from the Externado University of Colombia. In her thesis, Sioux focused on social network analysis applied to the industrialization process in Antioquia-Colombia for the period 1880-1930. Previously, she was part of the research team developing the agenda of the Economic Impact Study of Climate Change for Colombia at the National Planning Department of Colombia working on national adaptation and mitigation strategies, especially regarding water and agriculture.
As part of the ‘Center for Social Complexity of Climate Change’ Sioux works on revising damage functions in economic assessments of climate change impacts (with a focus on floods) and on integrating autonomous adaptation behavior of individual actors in macroeconomic models by linking them with agent-based models. The aim for this analysis is to quantify damages from adverse climate change impacts (floods and sea-level rise) and interplay of public and private adaptation measures, including the feedback between heterogeneous actors like firms and households with the rest of the economy.
In her spare time, she loves to walk and play squash. She also enjoys visiting new places, reading a good book, and cooking/experimenting with dessert recipes.