Roland Séférian
Roland Séférian is a research scientist coordinating the development of the Earth system model (CNRM-ESM) jointly developed by MF-CNRM and CERFACS. He is involved in the development of the carbon cycle components of CNRM-ESM. His main expertise is on marine carbon cycle and biogeochemistry and its relation to climate change and climate variability. He is involved also in several international initiatives such as Global Carbon Project (GCP) and has served as lead author in the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C published in 2018. He is the author or co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed articles ( He has been involved in several EU-funded projects such as COMBINE (FP7), CRESCENDO (H2020) or CONSTRAIN (H2020) and now coordinates the newly funded EU project on Earth system modelling called ESM2025.