Freshwater, Land and Biologic Interactions: Changes and Impacts
Fresh Water, Land and Biologic Interactions: Changes and Impacts
The interaction between water, land, and living systems is a complex relationship that is critical to maintaining life. Human activity has become an important element of this relationship, and in recent years, expansion of human activity has brought about significant changes. In 1992, a group of scientists convened at the Aspen Global Change Institute to address freshwater, land, and biological interactions in the context of human-induced changes to the Earth system. The scientists assessed present knowledge of people/water/ecosystem interactions, discussed risks and uncertainties pertaining to future human impacts on natural systems and processes, and considered how policies might be constructed to support sustainable practices. This article provides a summary of the proceedings of this meeting.
Suggested citation:
Meier, M. F., M. Falkenmark, and W. E. Riebsame (1992), Freshwater, land, and biologic interactions: Changes and impacts, Eos Trans. AGU, 73(52), 556.